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A cosmetic treatment of the hands involving shaping and often painting of the nails, removal of the cuticles, and softening of the skin.

1. Prepare your tools. In order to do a great manicure, you'll need certain supplies. Most supplies can be purchased at a local makeup store or drug store. To do a salon style manicure.

Nail polish remover
Cotton balls
Nail polish, a base coat, and a top coat

A bowl filled with warm water and moisturizing shower gel
A set of manicure tools that includes a cuticle pusher and cuticle blade
Cuticle moisturizer
Select an acetone-free nail polish remover. Acetone nail polish removers tend to remove polish quicker. However, they also contain harsh chemicals that can wear down nails. You should opt for an acetone free polish remover, especially if you do your nails frequently. 
Remove any previous nail polish. To start, you'll need to remove any previous polish. If you do not have old polish on your nails, you can skip this step. You should not soak you nails in remover, as this can be harsh on your nails.

Moisturize your cuticles. You should moisturize your cuticles before applying any polish. This can help your cuticles retain moisture, keeping your nails healthy.

Soak your hands for two minutes. Take your bowl of warm water filled with shower gel. Place the tips of your fingers in the bowl. Allow them to soak for two minutes.



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